Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMS)
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- cessation of menses for > 6 months
- period characterized by cessation of menses
- includes vasomotor, endocrine, somatic changes
- symptoms associated with estrogen deficiency
- vasomotor (hot flushes)
- atrophic changes (vagina, urethra, bladder)
- dyspareunia, vaginal itching, bleeding
- urinary frequency, urgency, incontinence
- skeletal (osteoporosis)
- decreased breast size
- skin thinning and loss of elasticity
- sleep/wake disturbances (insomnia)
- mood disturbances : depression, irritability, fatigue
- increased levels of FSH (> 40 IU/L)
- decreased levels of estradiol
- hormone replacement treatment (doses much lower than OCP)
- transdermal or oral
- cyclic estrogen (Premarin) 0.625 mg OD 1-25 plus progesterone (Provera) 10 mg OD, day 14 (or 15, 16) to day 25, or
- long cycling Premarin 0.625 mg daily plus Provera 5 mg for 14 days 3 months, or
- continuous combined Premarin 0.625 mg plus Provera 2.5 mg daily
- unopposed estrogen increases the risk of endometrial cancer without the addition of Provera, but Provera is not needed if previous hysterectomy
- calcium supplement
- physical exercise
- evening primrose oil
- relief of symptoms - see above (vasomotor, atrophy, insomnia)
- protection against osteoporosis
- osteoporotic risk factors
- caucasian or oriental race
- thin habitus
- immobilization or physical inactivity
- estrogen deficiency/premature menopause
- drugs: chronic corticosteroid therapy, chronic use of
- heparin, anticonvulsants, or thyroid replacement
- diet: low calcium, low vitamin D, high caffeine
- high alcohol, or high protein
- other factors: smoking, family history
- cardiovascular protection
- estrogen significantly reduces risk of CAD
- decreases LDL and increases HDL
- abnormal uterine bleeding - requires endometrial biopsy if bleeding
other than withdrawal bleeding with combined E/P therapy - mastodynia (breast pain)
- worse in progesterone phase of combined therapy
- edema, weight gain, heartburn, nausea
- controversy with respect to HRT and breast cancer risk
- undiagnosed vaginal bleeding
- known or suspected cancer of breast or uterus
- acute liver disease or chronically impaired liver function
- acute vascular thrombosis or history of severe thrombophlebitis or thromboembolic disease
- pre-existing uncontrolled hypertension
- uterine fibroids and endometriosis
- familial hyperlipidemias
- migraine headaches
- family history of estrogen-dependent cancer
- chronic thrombophlebitis
- diabetes mellitus
- gallbladder disease
- fibrocystic breasts
- obesity
- smoking
Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMS)
- e.g. raloxifene (Evista)
- mimics estrogen effects on cardiovascular system and bone
- avoids estrogen-like action on breast and uterine tissue
- does not relieve hot flashes (may make them worse)
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